Friday, 22 March 2019

How to Improve the Relationship with Your Partner

There is little in our lives of stressful situations that can be measured when you notice that your long-term relationship is no longer what it once was according to a depression counselling in toronto. Here's what you can do to save your love life.

If something happens with your connection, you do not feel that closeness as before, and communication is reduced to the business of doing household chores and grocery shopping, do not panic, but consider carefully what you need to do to correct the situation.

Before suggesting to your partner to visit a counselor or psychologist, try to do everything in your power to correct things yourself, of course, if you care.

                     Marriage counselling

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Do You Have a Smartphone Addiction?

While not officially recognized in any medical journals on mental and addiction disorders, smartphone addiction can be a real problem for some people. With the number of mobile device users now more than traditional computer users, there is a growing concern of just how attached we have become to our mobile phones.

Smartphone Addiction Counselling Toronto

You may be surprised to learn that the ways we use our phones can affect our brain behaviors. Some of these behaviors mimic those of other types of addictions. 

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