Monday, 27 August 2018

Learning How to Recognize Your Emotions and Feelings

What are you feeling right now? Answering this question can be difficult for some people when they are not in touch with their feelings. It is not always that easy for them to decipher the exact emotions they are currently experiencing. Part of the cause for this has to do with how our parents taught us about emotions and feelings.
For instance, you grew up in a home where you were taught to suppress and hide feelings considered “bad,” like anger. As you get older, you tend to stick with what you have been taught. There are times when you might get angry at a coworker. Rather than dealing with the emotion you push it aside.
Recognize Your Emotions and Feelings

Anytime you get upset, you continue to push anger down inside. Eventually, you can build up so much suppressed anger you can no longer take it and just explode. The person that triggers the explosion may not actually be the one that should receive it. They just happen to be present when you finally reached your anger capacity.

Friday, 24 August 2018

Why Does Sex Seem to Decrease After Getting Married?


For many married couples, it is not uncommon for the frequency of sex to start to decline. There can be a wide range of reasons, most of which are simply due to our daily lives and routines. You might have work priorities on your mind. You could have just started a family. You may even have an ongoing dispute with your spouse that is not yet resolved to your satisfaction.
Sex Seem to Decrease After Getting Married
All of these things can result in sex getting pushed down the list of your priorities and in some cases, even dropping off your list entirely. Both men and women are guilty of setting sex aside to concentrate on other things. Let’s look at a few of these things and what you and your spouse could do that might help.