Wednesday, 28 August 2019

What Can I Do If I Want Kids and My Partner Doesn’t?

It can be very stressful on a relationship when one person wants children and the other does not. This difference can be the underlying cause of relationship stress and anxiety. It can be the trigger that sets of arguments and disagreements. It can even be the reason why relationships fail.

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Before you toss in the towel and walk away from your loved one, it is worth your time to explore your options to determine the best course of action. One of the most important things to ask yourself is why you want children. Read more here...

Sunday, 11 August 2019

Is Passive Aggressive Behaviour Normal When Married?

Does it seem like the person you married has changed? Do they no longer like to curl up with you on the sofa and cuddle? Has your sex life diminished and all but disappeared? Have they started making comments about your appearance or things that you do in a non-confrontational, yet hurtful manner?


These are often signs that your spouse has issues of their own they are not sure how to address. Rather than opening up and sharing with you what is wrong, they keep things to themselves. Read more here...