Wednesday, 25 December 2019

What Problems Can Arise from Smartphone Addiction?

Nomophobia, the fear of being without your smartphone, has become a growing problem with many people. Eventually, they become addicted to their smartphones where the phone becomes the most important thing in that person’s life. Just like other addictions, this can lead to relationship problems, impulse-control problems, and other issues.
smartphone addiction toronto
One such issue is diminished interactions in real-life. While reconnecting with long-lost friends, classmates, and relatives that live far away online is great, you should not ignore your real-life relationships.
People addicted to smartphones tend to focus more on virtual relationships. They would rather strike up with a conversation of someone they have never met, then talk to their spouse sitting across the table from them at dinner.
Another problem that occurs with smartphone addiction is the development of other addictions, like cybersex and pornography addiction. This addiction is where one is more interested in the thrill of engaging in sexual content and experiences online, through text messaging, and video chat.
Cybersex and pornography addiction can also affect how one uses online dating apps. Instead of using the apps to look for a long-term relationship, they use them for quick hookups which could include engaging in risky sexual behaviors, like unprotected sex.
Additionally, people with smartphone addiction neglect other areas of their lives. They might not get sufficient sleep. Their productivity at school or work can suffer. They may even isolate themselves from friends and family, just so they can be on their phones.

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Taking Care of Your Mental Health This Holiday Season

This time of year can bring added stress and anxiety for anyone. Yet, for those of us already dealing with depression, grief, trauma, or PTSD, enjoying the festivities of the holiday season can become even more challenging and difficult.
Mental Health Counselling
Even if one is not dealing with a particular issue, the holiday season is packed full of different situations that can bring out the worst moods in many people. There can be body image issues from all the holiday treats and foods. There can by relationship issues and family issues where there are conflict and communication break-downs.
Regardless of your own personal struggles, you are not alone. The best approach to the holiday season is to be aware and get prepared. Doing so can help you feel in control to help prevent feeling overwhelmed in any situation and unplanned events.
While you cannot prepare for every different situation, it is still a good idea to have a plan in place. You also need to remember to take care of yourself first and do what is best for you.

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